Sunday 28 September 2014



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Friday 26 September 2014

My Innovative Lesson Template



Submitted to : Mrs. Linimol  K S

Submitted by: Akhila Satheesh S

Submitted on: 02/09/2014

Option  : Physical Science

Reg. No. : 13383001


Page No

Objectives of Science Club
2     -    3

Importance of Organization of Science Club

4     -    7
Activity of the Science Club-Development of  Psychomoto skills

8    -     9



Science for what? The Answer lies right in front of our eyes. Think about a world without technology. No computers, no cars. No vaccines or cures for diseases. Life would be joyless and extremely bard. It was not long ago that this was the case. However, now with science on out side it’s a whole new storey. Science permeates our lives and informs out actions. Every simple things are our related to the world science. All the releted to science.

                   The scientific and technological advancement of today is a long forward journey form stone age. Each individual has his our interests talents and abilities. Even a progressive syllabus fails to cat to the needs of each science educators, now a days are found to exhibit growing interest and means of stimulating group participation and mobilizing interest in learning science organizing science clubs is one among such activities. Thorough activities of a science club, learning of science becomes joyful.


            The aims and objectives of a science club may outline as below.

1.     To provide proper incentive and inspiration for the pursuit of scientific knowledge in rigorous way by broadening their scientific outlook.
2.     To provide opportunities for bringing school close to the society and to acquaint the people with the services and contribution of the science in their life.
3.     To develop among the student the spirit and attitude of healthy competition for the individual and social cause
4.     To help the students in imbibing The habit of self-reliance, self-dependence and love for manual work
5.     To provide opportunity for the development of the constructive, explorative & inventive faculties of the students.
6.     To make the students understand the values of time and to help them in the proper utilization to their hours.
7.     To grate interest in latest inventions and discoveries of science in various fields and to get acquainted with the life history and contributions of great scientists.
 8.     To develop students, inters and participation in the practical application of the    knowledge related to different branches of science
9.     To grate interest in scientific facts and events related to one’s surroundings.
10. To develop training in scientific method of problem solving
11. To inculcate scientific attitude and provide opportunities for training in scientific method
12. To develop interest in scientific hobbies
13. To encourage individual and group activities.
14. To develop in children a sense of healthy competition
15. To make the students and public science minded
16. To stimulate active participation and initiative among students in the learning process.
17. To keep the students in touch with the recent advance in science
18. To provide challenging opportunities to the gifted
19. To provide training in problem solving
20. To give development of psychomotor skills


A properly organized science club will be a valuable aid to teaching science and also a means of motivating the children for learning science. The successful working of the club depends on the persons who organize it and also on the interest and enthusiasm of students. Though science club is run by the students for the students, the science teacher is the pivot of all activities.

          To begin with, the science teacher can explain the importance and benefits of organizing science club and can arouse enthusiasm among students. This discussion may be followed by business meeting in which office beares are chosen. Every science club should have its own constitution. They should be a general body and an executive body. The Principal or Headmaster be the patron and the science teachers should be the sponsors. Executive members such as president, Vice President, Secretary, Treasures, Librarian, Publicity officer, etc are chosen from among the student members. The executive committee has to ….out programmers. These activities of the club should be taken up by the students themselves, There should be regular meetings, discussions, planning, feedback etc.

            The responsibility of the taking initiative in the establishment of a science club in the school and then for its effective organization essentially lists. With the science teacher therefore, every science teacher must acquire the necessary ability for performing such responsibility by taking care of the things mentioned below.

1.    Functional Organization:
Every office bearer and member of the club should work whole heartedly in a team spirit for the smooth and effective running of the programs and activities of the club . Usually the following types of activities may be undertaken in a science club:
a)     Publishing science magazine and news bulletin of scientific events.
b)    Preparing certain things of common use like soaps, writing ink, tooth powders, shoe polish, pheny1, varnish etc
c)     Organizing school services in the field of health and sanitation
d)    Arranging cleanliness and health weeks in the institution
e)     Creating in the school healthy environment for carrying out scientific studies and activities.
f)      Decorating the walls of the classroom, library and laboratory with scientific and activities.
g)     Arranging excursions and short trios for the members to places of scientific interest.

h)     Arranging talks and lectures of the distinguished speakers, subject experts and outside guests on the subject of the scientific interest

   2. Structural Organization

Structural organization of the science club usually involves the slowing office bearers

Duties of the Publicity Officer- To publicize the activities of the club in the school and outside the school through posters and writing in the magazines, newspapers and scientific journals. To keep a record of all important scientific activities, achievements and programmes of the club.
Duties of the Treasure- To prepare budged of the club and present the statement of the account  when asked. To keep the proper account of the income and expenditure of the club. To collect subscriptions from the members.

Duties of the Secretary- To take responsibility of the conducting the programmes and activities of the club. To take charges of all correspondence related with the club activities. To frame the programmes of the meeting and keep proper record or the proceeding of the meetings of the club. To invite the outside expert and guest speaker etc., in the club and attend them properly.

3.  Preliminary Organization:
a.      After performing the above mentioned tasks the teacher should call a formal meeting of the science teacher should call a formal meeting of the science students.  In this meeting the proposal and scheme concerning the organization of Science club in the school should be discussed.  The aims and objectives of this club are to be placed before the students and constitution of the club is chalked out and the membership drive is launched.
b.     With the active cooperation of the head of the institution, the he should make efforts to arrange for the finances to establish the science club.  While some amount may be taken from the finances of the institution and collected from the students in the form of membership fee etc.  The department of NCERT, State Government or any voluntary agency may also be approached for providing assistance in the project.
c.     After getting appropriate response or initiative from students he must try to contact the head of the institution and senior colleagues for their consent and advice on the issue of starting a science club.
d.     ‘ The science teacher should try to create a suitable environment and persuade the students to feel a need of establishing science club in their school.


            Through activities of a science club, learning of science becomes joyful.  The science club caters to freedom for expression, where as the classroom atmosphere leads to conformity and repression.  While activity participating in a science club students organize thought and translate these in to action and thereby develop a zealous enthusiasm to strive for the cause of scientific enterprise.  Mainly the objectives of the science club activities directed to the development of psychomotor skills.

          Through the club, it is possible to develop positive attitude towards learning science.  A list of club activities are following below.
1.     Organizing lectures, debates, seminars, symposia etc.
2.     Holding science exhibition and fair
3. Celebrating birth days of eminent scientist
4. Participating in science fairs
5. Conducting visual programmes of s scientific interest
6. Arranging visit to places of scientific interest
7. Preparing of charts, postures, models etc
8. Developing school garden
9.Displaying science news
10.Improvising and preparing hand-made apparatus
11.General reading of scientific literature
12.Rendering school services in health and sanitation
13.Visiting other science clubs
14.conducting essay competition on scientific problems
15.Managing a first aid squad
16.Participating in scientific hobbies-Preparation of soaps, ink ,candle matches, toys, bleaching powder, nail polish, chalk etc.
17.Helping the community by way of demonstration on health and hygiene, improvement of agriculture, eradication of superstitious belief etc.
18.Celebrating science days
19.Maintaining a bulletin board
20. Publishing school science magazine
21.Preparing science albums
22.Conducting science related projects
23.Conducting science quiz competitions
24.Organizing creativity works on science
25.Preparing still/Working models on science topics

Learning by doing and learning by living are two essentials of learning science. Children are interested in making things, breaking things and handling things.  But the curriculum does not satisfy this natural urge.  In the classroom everything is done in a formal, artificial and controlled atmosphere.  This will never give the child and opportunity for his free fights in the world of science.  Our classroom teaching does not provide opportunity for self expression, constructive activities and independent enquiry.  No time is assigned for practical work.  All these lead to the need for an organization providing an outlet for the pent up emotions of children and for pooling their energies. An organization which caters for the in calculation of scientific attitude and genuine interest in science and also can supplement the work of the classroom and give the syllabus a practical dimension may be called a science club.


4.       Science Education-Dr. K Sivarajan, Prof. A. Faziluddin- Calicut University Publishers. Page No. 259-261

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